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Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Interactive Thesis-The Evolving Thesis

“All good education must come to an end.” A falsehood, to be sure, as education is likely an eternal proposal. However, many milestones are passed as the journey progresses, and like rest areas on a road trip-some are essential. The Master’s Thesis is one of these crucial stops. With a little planning, the time at this stop can be a little like a fascinating day trip into a given region. Excitement builds as the mundane patterns of the freeway are left behind, the windows come down and local air fills the vehicle. Sights and sounds become more personal, intimate and alluring. When the little nook or cranny is found, curiosity is replaced with a nagging urge to plan the next diversion…

In education, especially the education of one’s own mind, research into a specific topic is an important way to develop the discipline to carry ideas through to fruition. It also renders in-depth knowledge leaving the researcher well suited to carry the theme to the event horizon, or cutting edge, of knowledge. So, a Master’s Thesis inserts itself comfortably between oneself and every other thing of importance in the given life. All normalcies are replaced with the ravening madness of a maven possessed. A truly exciting time of discovery awaits those so inclined to undertake this formidable yet rewarding expedition.

In order to fully extract all of the voices the internet’s connectivity has to offer, I am going to build my Master’s Thesis with the help of anyone who wants to throw in on it. The essential format of this evolving thesis is absolutely undefined. There are a number of ways to leave your thoughts: e-mail, comment here, comment on either of the website links (Writetime Inc. or, or Facebook. So, I need to get the down low on utilizing tools such as Facebook, youtube and specifically the website builder on Look for building excitement ahead, and thanks now for all your help then. Both sites are under construction, but links are up and comments available

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